The Connected Leader Podcast... - The Whole Story

The #GetSocial - Connected Leader Podcast series is a continuation of the interviews with leaders which I started when writing, #GetSocial - Social Media Strategy and Tactics for Leaders'.

The podcast is collection of inspiring and insightful interviews with real-world leaders and academics who are championing digital and social technologies.

There are 20 interviews in total for this first series - and this blog is a catalogue of each one - each week as a new podcast goes live, it will be added to this blog post. You’ll find some brilliant insights from thought leaders and leaders across a range of industries.

This podcast is available on all the usual podcast platforms - and for ease, you’ll find that I’ve included the links to the Spotify podcast for each one.

Do tell me what you think about the podcast - and indeed, if you have any insights that you would like to share as part of my Connected Leader Podcast - then do get in touch and we can fix up a conversation.

Enjoy and #getsocial.

Michelle Carvill

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The Disconnected Leader = The Disengaged Employee

Leaders can't be locked away in the boardroom when it comes to influencing and connecting with their employees. A number of years ago, Tom Peters, leadership and management guru extolled the importance of 'walking the floor' - and the many benefits gleaned from getting to know your employees, being visible, accessible and indeed, engaged and informed first hand around what's really going on with the troops.

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Michelle Carvill
Finding Your Golden Thread to Reconnect the Disconnect

Ever had that moment where you’ve got so much to say – but you just can’t find the right words?

It’s a sensation that’s not simply related to articulation or word mastery – it feels deeper. A feeling of there being something key embedded within you, but it’s stuck, you just can’t quite dislodge it to allow it to surface.

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Michelle Carvill