Brands from above...

Given one of my related businesses is - an online tailored logo creation and that the logotastic brand includes the use of fluffy clouds - I was amused to see this article in The Times recently. "An inventor in Alabama has managed to create logos as foamy clouds. Francisco Guerro, who also makes fake snow for Hollywood, can create shapes up to 4ft wide, says his foam is environmentally safe and pops likes bubbles when it lands."

So what's the plan - to drop logo clouds from the sky?  The logo would have to be really distinct to work - wouldn't it?  Even the most simple of icons - for example, the Nike tick, would lose context as a foamy cloud - and brands which depend on words, such as Sainsbury's would possibly have trouble being legible (particularly at only 4 ft wide!).  I'm always open-minded however, and no doubt we'll see Coke, Google and Skype clouds falling from above in the near future...

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