Is LinkedIn Following the Footsteps of Facebook too?

Many of us have come to the conclusion that Twitter’s redesign brings it in line with Facebook but is LinkedIn also following in similar footsteps?

Although LinkedIn haven’t gone as far as Twitter in announcing a big redesign – they have made a few changes to their homepage.

LinkedIn are clearly looking for ways to improve the way content is shared within the feed – making sure that job related information stands out in the homepage.

Their updated homepage takes advantage of the separation of stories shared with easily digestible updates from your connections.

You can now customise everything you want to see directly from your LinkedIn homepage – where you can segment your updates by ‘all updates’, ‘shares’, ‘connections’, ‘profiles’, ‘news groups’, ‘companies’ and ‘jobs’. This feature makes it easier to see what’s going on as it allows you to view what’s happening in your network from each different perspective (Twitter brought out something similar with their redesign).

Another feature that LinkedIn have applied, that is also similar to Facebook, is the ‘hide feature’ – this is where you can hide someone’s updates from your homepage. For those people who continuously post similar and repeated updates which hit your feed – whilst you don’t necessarily want to lose them as a connection, you don’t necessarily want to see everything they publish – so you can hide their updates. To action the ‘hide’ feature – all you need to do is scroll over their name in blue (in the homepage) and the hide button will appear to the right.

Images also seem to have increased in size – and you can now clearly see images of your connections or clearer images of the articles that they are sharing. Not only this, but there are larger ‘share’ and ‘connect’ buttons, making it easier for users to network interact and broadcast status updates.

It seems that every social media platform is setting out with the aim of everything looking bigger, and everything being made easier for users to share and view stories/status updates.

So, with all of these changes being made to LinkedIn – have you noticed the similarities to Facebook?

Do let us know your thoughts and opinions on this topic – share your comments below or simply tweet us at @carvillcreative.

This blog post was brought to you by Michelle Carvill, founder of Carvill Creative, the online visibility experts and author of The Business of Being Social – A Practical Guide to Harnessing the Power of Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and LinkedIn for all Businesses.

If you need any help with your social media activity, blogging or creating content or any other digital marketing services, then do get in touch with us.