Energy and enthusiam - how to pick ourselves up during the gloom...


At a meeting the other day I was talking with a client about some of the challenges they faced in the current climate - his response; 'Keeping people's energy levels up - and keeping them enthused'. 

Such a fundamental success factor when you think about it - as it's energy and enthusiasm that keeps you going.  Think about how you feel when you are 'off colour'.  I know myself I often can't think straight when I'm ill - it's far more difficult to concentrate - and a feeling of 'I can't be bothered' sets in. 

Given the amount of 'doom and gloom' we are all having to contend with at the moment - with reporting from every media being negative, it's important we 'guard' our energy and enthusiam - so that inertia doesn't set in and we become resigned to a terrible 2009. 

Energy and enthusiam breeds success - and so rather than focus on things that deplete these levels, let's look at 4 things we can do to maintain, sustain and grow these important elements...

  1. Watch out for 'energy vampires' - and by this I mean those people that 'suck' the life out of you.  We all have them in our lives - these are the people you are around for a period of time and you come away from feeling 'low', 'negative' or hugely frustrated.  Try to avoid these 'vampires' as much as possible.  If you have to be around them, zone them out as much as possible.  And counteract their negativity with positivity.  You'll be amazed how much better you feel.
  2. Counterbalance the 'vampires' by being around 'energy boosters' - these are people that really excite you - get you enthused and positive about what you do.  They ooze energy and when 'boosters' get together - energy is shared - and it generates more energy so everyone comes away feeling ready for anything.  You know who these people are - so spend more time in their presence. 
  3. Get fit - mentally and physically.  In September I ran my first half marathon.  Whilst a person who has always been very sporty and active, running was something that I had done down the gym for 10 minutes at a time - but long distance was not my bag.  Preparing for a marathon (or half marathon) is hard work - and it takes dedication, commitment, resolve, determination and self belief.   You really question whether you'll make it round, will you fail, will your heart give out!    But in your heart of hearts - you know you can do it.   Coping with the doom and gloom of our economic climate is somewhat aligned to running a marathon - nothings going to happen quickly - and so you need to prepare yourself for the long run.  Stay well - keep focused on the end goal - and keep going, be determined - you will get to the finish line...
  4. And finally - get into the habit of  making some 'me time'.  There's nothing clever about working and worrying 24 hours a day.  You'll burn out, lose momentum, become low and energy and enthusiam will slip far from your grasp.  Don't let yourself get to that stage.  Take 'me time' - and by this I mean doing whatever it takes to 'recharge your batteries'.  Whether it's a long walk, training for a marathon, yoga, meditation, hanging out with the children, feeding the ducks, dog walks, listening to music, dancing, going down the gym, reading a book etc - whatever it takes - be sure you do some of it regularly.   I recommend at least 1 hour of 'me time' a day.  Sounds like it should be simple to fit in just 1 hour a day - but you'll find that it isn't.  But set that as your benchmark - and see how you go... 

So there are my tips for maintaining and growing energy and enthusiam throughout 2009.

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